Monday starts a new adventure for me. Can I stop there?
I suppose I should continue.... Many of you know that I have worked in the insurance industry since I was 17. I had many intentions on going to college after graduating high school, but my career took off and I was able to take such a grasp on insurance. The knowledge I have gained and experience I have does not come often being 22 years old; ok almost 23 here in just over a week, but that is besides the point. Monday I am headed back to get my degree because I am ready to progress and continue on this second chance I get. Is it crazy for me to work full time and go to school full time? I don't think it's that bad either. Initially I was going to take 15 credits, but I figured I needed to leave in the real world and not completely over do it. So here's what I am up against this semester........
Art 101 ( so I get to learn how to draw.... this will be very interesting; I've decided I want to get into some type of design eventually so this is my start; next semester I will take the CAD Class I wanted to take.)
Psychology 101 (I'm very excited for this class. I love the brain... how it works; always have been...Since I can't be a brain surgeon like I wanted to be growing up this might do).
Communications 101.
AshLyn talked me into taking this with her.... our poor poor poor teacher....
And last but not least
English 101.
I am excited to be able to go back and start something new. Wish me luck on this fun adventure!